This list includes individuals who have added AHLF as a beneficiary to their will or living trust, allowing them to leave a legacy of support for our environmental education and stewardship programs.
This list includes Major Gift ($1000+ donation) between the dates October 2024 – December 2024 organized by totality of all gifts given to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation. Major Gift Members who purchased a Brick are highlighted in blue.
Carla & Thomas Applegate Lin & Joe Ball Robert Beard Vicki & Neil Black Karen Bond Lauren & Mark Brimmer Leslie & Jim Brubaker Liz Carnes Lorie & Ernie Chapa Heidi & Neal Digert Cheri & Ron Dixon Lynn & Neal Fogelhut Kelly & Bill Fullmer Julie Gibbs Michelle & Matt Ginn Ingrid Weibust & Jacen Grant Traci & Rick Grove Phyllis & Matt Hall Stacy Hall Robert Hampton Sue & Steve Hart Jane & Todd Hashbarger Leah Bissonette & Robert Hemphill Susan & Bill Hoehn Sara Huber Janie & Andrew Hughes Rachel & Cole Ivanovich Jodi & Jon James Joann & John Johnson Ken Kebow Ann Kulchin Steven Kulcin Michelle Lund Catherine & Jos Magana Mary & Robert Meigs Cindy & Mike Metts Shawn & Bill Milligan Barbi & Greg Nelson Margie Newell Elaine Nielsen Carolyn & Mark O'Malley Andrea & Kurtis Peterson Meg & Alex Preston Lisa & Terrell Rodman Rebecca Brown & Ed Rose Carole & John Sanders Beth & Robert Schmeiser Cate & Michael Schumacher Laura & Jeff Segall April & Henry Shute Laurie Simon Kaguni Lynnell Talone-Honda Heather & Jimmy Ukegawa Dawn & Jeff Van Siclen Jaidene & Roby Vigilucci Cindy & John Wallace Jodi & Russell Wallis Jean & George Wever Wendysue Wiegand Knox Williams Shelley & William Wong
Together, with our Champions of Environmental Stewardship Sponsors, we are on a journey to provide quality equal access environmental opportunities to our diverse communities. Learn about becoming a Champion here.
Our generous grantors play a pivotal role in supporting a diverse array of programs at the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation. Their contributions encompass funding for students to participate in our Academy for Environmental Stewardship at no cost, providing essential transportation for students, enabling technological advancements, enhancing trails and conservation efforts, and facilitating crucial capital improvements.
We are grateful for the support of new and returning business members of the Foundation. This list includes all new business members and renewing business members received through 10/01/2024.
Encompassing exclusive event sponsors, monetary contributions from corporations, and dedicated volunteer efforts with workdays, all with a contribution of $1000 and above.
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1580 Cannon Road,
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Tuesday - Saturday 9am-4pm
Sunday 12pm-4pm
(760) 804-1969
1580 Cannon Road,
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Monday - Saturday 9am-4pm
Sunday 12pm - 4pm
(760) 804-1969
All Rights Reserved | Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation | Website Design by GoBeRewarded
The Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 33-0411888.